Individual Therapy (online)

Individual therapy sessions tailored to your needs. You and I will discuss your challenges and goals and work together as a team to determine what will work best for you to help you get to where you want to be.

Hypnotherapy (online)

I offer hypnotherapy as a stand-alone service or as a powerful addition to your therapy sessions. If your session's main focus is hypnosis, we will work together to create a tailored experience designed to support your goals. Alternatively, if certain issues arise during therapy where hypnosis may be a helpful intervention, we can seamlessly incorporate it into your session. Whether you're seeking deep relaxation, behavior change, or emotional healing, hypnotherapy can provide the tools and support you need for transformation.

Group Therapy (online)

I offer group counselling on a variety of topics including:

  • Pain Reprocessing therapy

  • Caring for Ourselves as Caregivers

  • Prodependence group (for those who live with, love, or care about someone struggling with addiction)

  • Parenting a child with ADHD

Groups are normally 6-8 people and vary in length between 4-8 weeks depending on the group. If you would like more information or to add yourself to the waitlist for the next group please reach out via email.

Workshops (online)

I offer workshops on various topics designed to empower you to take charge of your own wellbeing.

[Coming soon]

*If you would like to book an in person workshop on a topic related to health and wellbeing for your group or organization please reach out to discuss.

When the mind is ill at ease, the body suffers. - Ovid